Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Reason God Created Mother’s

Today is a happy day for me, If you are a parent but specially if you are a Mother you will understand what I am talking about.

In am from a little town in South America, 36 year ago, I was a 15 years of age teenager, and about to be 16 when my first child was born. At that age it is very difficult to understand what being a parent is all about. Since, at that age we humans are children ourselves. Ad to this, that my boyfriend disappeared as soon as he knew that I was pregnant, and as of today I do not know where he is at.

Growing up in a harsh environment from a broken home, where only my Mother was the bread winner, and in a household where we were a total of 9 kids. Well, needles to say, it was very difficult money wise. But the most important thing was that we were happy, and we had a Great Example of our Mother.

I am so thankful to God that he gave me the Mother I had. With humbleness I can say proud to have been able to be her daughter. The best of survival skills I learn from her. I admire her up-to-today, even though she is no longer with us. But if it wasn’t, that she was tough, firm, and a person with dignity. I would have not been able to raise my kids with the knowledge that she passed on to us. The most I admire of Her, is that no matter how difficult everything was, she never went the easy way. By this I mean I never saw her doing drugs, selling herself or getting money in any other way, than good clean work. She certainly made sure that we learned that from her.

Not understanding totally what I got into by becoming a Mother, I remember that even though everything was tough and hardly any money, even to buy the baby’s formula. I was so happy that I had my child. This child is now 36 years of age, yes born the same day that Elvis Presley was born in the USA. He is a good son, a good father, a good friend, and a good brother to his brother and sister. Well in general he turned out to be a good person. I have been so blessed by being his Mother, and the Mother of my other two beautiful children. I adore the three of them as you can imagine.

More than anything else, I am so blessed by God, that I am his Mother. Jan/8/2011

Friday, January 7, 2011


Our frame of mind at the beginning of each year, is that our resolutions are going to become reality. To accomplish it, we need to work on them. Right? Desire, Determination, Discipline are key. If in the months ahead you’re thinking or doing other than what was planned at the beginning of the year, then it’s time to re-start from square 1 using these 3 D's

If you had in mind to get in shape, then eat less, and start exercising. To find Love, I'll say go for it, don't waste time. We only live once. To be a better person, I'll say start with family members. To become a more giving person, I'll say apply it on daily basis to family and strangers alike. But if you had in mind to make money, then generate a second or third income. Successful 2011 to everyone!